
    Beginning in 2017, the Spalding County Sheriff's Office began focusing on training in an effort to provide the citizens of Spalding County, Deputies that are better able to assist them in resolving their issues. Deputies are now required to participate in monthly on-line training, are strongly encouraged to seek P.O.S.T. career development certifications, and work for their college degrees. All Deputies are required to attend annual training on Sexual Harassment and Biased Based profiling, along with other required P.O.S.T. classes. Crisis Intervention has become a focus of training as we improve our skills in de-escalation of critical incidents, and with the acquisition of a force simulator in 2019 deputies will now receive state of the art de-escalation and force training. A "NARCAN" program was also started in 2017 and deputies receive annual training in order to aid those that have overdosed on opiates.

    In 2020, the Spalding County Sheriff's Office assisted the Georgia Public Safety Center with 240 hours of instructional time taught by SCSO instructors in basic mandate classes in Forsyth, including firearms, building clearing, controlled substances, gangs and organized crime and traffic stops. We hosted two 40 hour Filed Training Officer Classes with a total of 80 students and taught 148 hours towards Senior Deputy Certifications. We host monthly training from Columbus State University in their Professional Management Program.

